
Wednesday, 4 March 2015

The Fantastic Five on Social Media...

What is on the menu?
What is on the menu?
A warm welcome to all you blog lovers J. Ever logged onto your social media accounts and wondered who to follow? Well, guess what? We all have experienced or dealt with that dilemma before. And to those of you that are still sailing on that boat, let us just say it is your lucky day. I am here to help, or shall I say, I am here to give you a slight insight as to who are the who’s who currently buzzing on the social media platforms.
The who’s who buzzing on social media
Who's who buzzing on social media.
In this digital age, we have seen the impact social media has on its stakeholders and their daily lives. The social media platforms have certainly evolved over the years, as we see new platforms being introduced to us and the current ones getting more and more advanced. This then makes it very tricky for one to fairly identify the top five social media influencers. In this post, I’m focusing on the following platforms; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as my guide. As these platforms offer engagement or content sharing and a pleasant way to get to know about your favorite celebrity or interact with them, even when we know that they have someone that personally handle their social media accounts. See below the mentioned who's who buzzing on social media.
The Fantastic Five…
 According to my analysis and opinion, the following names that are listed below are the best influencers on the social media world. Although these results are from the year 2014, we will just have to wait and see what 2015 has in store for us. Who knows, it could be you. Ladies and gentleman, I introduce to you, the fantastic five;
  • DeirdreBreakenridge, one of the most influential human-being on Twitter. She is the CEO of Pure Performance Communications, speaker, author of Social Media and Public Relations & PR 2.0, adjunct professor & co-founder of #PRStudChat. @dbreakenridge if you wish to follow.
  • Richard Branson, a man known for being a, tie-loathing adventurer, philantropist, who believes in turning ideas into reality. @richardbranson
  • Kim Kardashian, a well-known celebrity that has been very influential over the past years to young women and teens and we gather this from seeing on her instagram account that she has 27.2 million followers. Her instagram page made a buzz when she posted her nude paper magazine cover. To follow her, here is her handle,
  • Scott Monty, the man who was able to get Ford onto the Twittersphere in its early days. And if you ever wondered where the term "tweetup" came about, well you reading about the man. 
  • Justin Bieber, the Canadian singer/songwriter. He is adored by many across the globe. In 2012 he was named as the third-most powerful celebrity in the world, but as time went on, he dropped a few spots. Even though he dropped, he is admired by many fans, from the ladies to the "wanna-be" Biebers.
Do what’s right J

We are social.
Growing up, the most influential people in our lives were our folks, well It would not hurt to have other influencers. We live in a digital world now, so we are bound to find more influencers other than our own folks. So let us get cracking and start following the above mentioned influencers. Now I know some of you bloggers are asking yourselves why should you follow the about mentioned people, as they are human just like you, they do not add value to your life. In that sense, that is 100% correct. But have you thought about the fact that we all might learn a few things from these people, for it is said in life you never stop learning. We learn from an elderly person to a child, thus I edge you to following them. From a wise woman’s words to you, “If you get, give. If you learn, teach”.